Muhamad Nikmatullah


My previous education at Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University, Banten, Indonesia. Faculty of Teaching and Education, departemenof  biology education. since the beginning, I have a strong passion and curiosity research developments in the field of biological science in the country in the context of an interdisciplinary saudi arabia. As we know that the unique location of King Abdul aziz University (KAUST) is located close to the edge of the Red Sea, so it would be possible to carry out research on natural resources, especially the biodiversity in these ecosystems can be developed and utilized in a sustainable and capable of producing quality research in the field of biodiversity both basic and applied and can be applied to community based study of biodiversity, and able solve the problem of the future based on biological resources. These potential conditions will play a key role in facing global challenges. In support of this passion, I have done research on the use of biodiversity as a source of learning biology, apart from that I also learned Arabic and English, to assist me in conducting education and research there.
 I have curiosity is very high and the spirit of research on how to develop a more professional. The potential wealth of natural high saudi arabia is a huge challenge in using and managing natural resources in a sustainable manner. I am interested in molecular biology because in the future will be the basis for the development of biology. Through various types of interaction, communication and cooperation within the interdisciplinary study. I want to apply the results of research to build an international network, as well as promote cooperation between Indonesia and saudi arabia country through the application of research-based educational and research use of biodiversity. For the purposes of my career, I want to be a lecturer and researcher with expertise saudi arabia. I have a strong commitment to realize the concept of education and research through: 1) emphasizes knowledge; 2)  grow and develop research; 3) applying the results of research. of course, to be a good lecturer, and committed to their concepts, I have to improve the quality of knowledge and my research. In addition to being a lecturer and researcher, in the future I want to become a professor at my institution.
Now, establish and maintain an international network between educational institutions and research is needed, especially in this case more globalized world. Short-long-term goal is to develop and utilize my biodiversity-Indonesia cooperation Saudi arabia, in aspects of research or science and education. When I read this program, I found that at KAUST Faculty of Science and Technology in the Department of biosciences has a comprehensive curriculum that consists of lectures, seminars and laboratory classes. The program consists of two courses, namely Cell and Molecular Biology and Biomolecular accordance with the passion and the focus of my research, therefore. I'm very motivated to continue my studies at King Abdul aziz University saudi arabia. Has a Master's degree from KAUST will help me to broaden my perspective and knowledge, and also improve my ability to be an expert and qualified lecturers. Further, relations between Indonesia and saudi arabia still developing and I hope that in the future will grow more and more. With my experience learning at KAUST in saudi arabia it would give me the direct experience and knowledge of saudi arabia itself.
            I am interested in molecular biology. As for my research, will focus on the use of biodiversity, especially how to capitalize on local biodiversity sustainably. So, I want to learn and conduct comprehensive research on this topic during my studies at KAUST. The reason why I am interested in this topic because Indonesia has a high biodiversity (megabiodiversity) but there are many problems caused by it. To get a better understanding and comprehension, it is important for me to do a comparative study. Has research in this area will provide a vision of how to manage and use biodiversity as local potential. further  I think there are some similarities between Indonesia and saudi arabia. By comparing between Indonesia and saudi arabia, I wish I could have valuable knowledge and understanding, so that it can be applied in Indonesia to manage the issue. As for the reason why I chose and do this research theme in saudi arabia is because education in saudi arabia atmosphere conducive and supportive. After seeing the KAUST curriculum focus to the basics of cellular mechanisms and biotechnology which consists of lectures, seminars and laboratory classes, I found some programs that fit with my research focus. Besides taking required courses, I will also take elective courses Cell and Molecular Biology and Biomolecular related to my research. During my stay, and the period of study in Saudi arabia. I also plan to improve my skills in Arabic language and culture learning more saudi arabia. As for the length of time, I plan to finish my degree KAUST in two years (until mid-2018), including for my thesis. Of course, during these two years, I will make best efforts to complete my studies on time, without neglecting the quality of research and study I. I have an academic record and good performance, in my undergraduate degree at the University of Sultan Agung Tirtayasa. I once joined international events and conferences Australia (ANU), which gives me the skills adaptation in atmospheric multi-disciplinary and international. It also helps me to improve my ability to use foreign languages and smooth communication. also joined some of the activities of organizations that improve my leadership skills, such as; manage work, adaptability, decision making, and initiate actions. n my organization, I was responsible for providing information to student scholarships. From that, I learned how to develop and coach others. And from my work experience, I got a chance to improve my writing skills and involve the community through online and print media, where I was responsible for communications and content management. esides, I was always interested in something 'new' as history types biodiversity there. So that's why, during my studies in saudi arabia, I plan to improve my skills in Arabic. Instead, I would be very pleased to introduce and discuss about my home country, including with other students at KAUST Indonesia has abundant biodiversity spread across thousands of islands.
            In my opinion, to understand the potential of biodiversity, we can manage and utilize sustainable biodiversity. I believe by sharing and discussing, this can help us to broaden our perspectives and knowledge. The more experience we will have, the more knowledge we will get. By gaining more knowledge, we can improve our opportunities to develop the potential of natural resources. With the explanation above them, I believe that I was a sustainable candidate for the scholarship program KAUST. I look forward to the committee in order to help for the reception and consideration of my application. I'm very excited and very motivated to be part of the scholarship KAUST, Saudi Arabia


Muhamad Nikmatullah

Muhamad Nikmatullah


My previous education at Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University, Banten, Indonesia. Faculty of Teaching and Education, departemenof  biology education. since the beginning, I have a strong passion and curiosity research developments in the field of biological science in the country in the context of an interdisciplinary saudi arabia. As we know that the unique location of King Abdul aziz University (KAUST) is located close to the edge of the Red Sea, so it would be possible to carry out research on natural resources, especially the biodiversity in these ecosystems can be developed and utilized in a sustainable and capable of producing quality research in the field of biodiversity both basic and applied and can be applied to community based study of biodiversity, and able solve the problem of the future based on biological resources. These potential conditions will play a key role in facing global challenges. In support of this passion, I have done research on the use of biodiversity as a source of learning biology, apart from that I also learned Arabic and English, to assist me in conducting education and research there.
 I have curiosity is very high and the spirit of research on how to develop a more professional. The potential wealth of natural high saudi arabia is a huge challenge in using and managing natural resources in a sustainable manner. I am interested in molecular biology because in the future will be the basis for the development of biology. Through various types of interaction, communication and cooperation within the interdisciplinary study. I want to apply the results of research to build an international network, as well as promote cooperation between Indonesia and saudi arabia country through the application of research-based educational and research use of biodiversity. For the purposes of my career, I want to be a lecturer and researcher with expertise saudi arabia. I have a strong commitment to realize the concept of education and research through: 1) emphasizes knowledge; 2)  grow and develop research; 3) applying the results of research. of course, to be a good lecturer, and committed to their concepts, I have to improve the quality of knowledge and my research. In addition to being a lecturer and researcher, in the future I want to become a professor at my institution.
Now, establish and maintain an international network between educational institutions and research is needed, especially in this case more globalized world. Short-long-term goal is to develop and utilize my biodiversity-Indonesia cooperation Saudi arabia, in aspects of research or science and education. When I read this program, I found that at KAUST Faculty of Science and Technology in the Department of biosciences has a comprehensive curriculum that consists of lectures, seminars and laboratory classes. The program consists of two courses, namely Cell and Molecular Biology and Biomolecular accordance with the passion and the focus of my research, therefore. I'm very motivated to continue my studies at King Abdul aziz University saudi arabia. Has a Master's degree from KAUST will help me to broaden my perspective and knowledge, and also improve my ability to be an expert and qualified lecturers. Further, relations between Indonesia and saudi arabia still developing and I hope that in the future will grow more and more. With my experience learning at KAUST in saudi arabia it would give me the direct experience and knowledge of saudi arabia itself.
            I am interested in molecular biology. As for my research, will focus on the use of biodiversity, especially how to capitalize on local biodiversity sustainably. So, I want to learn and conduct comprehensive research on this topic during my studies at KAUST. The reason why I am interested in this topic because Indonesia has a high biodiversity (megabiodiversity) but there are many problems caused by it. To get a better understanding and comprehension, it is important for me to do a comparative study. Has research in this area will provide a vision of how to manage and use biodiversity as local potential. further  I think there are some similarities between Indonesia and saudi arabia. By comparing between Indonesia and saudi arabia, I wish I could have valuable knowledge and understanding, so that it can be applied in Indonesia to manage the issue. As for the reason why I chose and do this research theme in saudi arabia is because education in saudi arabia atmosphere conducive and supportive. After seeing the KAUST curriculum focus to the basics of cellular mechanisms and biotechnology which consists of lectures, seminars and laboratory classes, I found some programs that fit with my research focus. Besides taking required courses, I will also take elective courses Cell and Molecular Biology and Biomolecular related to my research. During my stay, and the period of study in Saudi arabia. I also plan to improve my skills in Arabic language and culture learning more saudi arabia. As for the length of time, I plan to finish my degree KAUST in two years (until mid-2018), including for my thesis. Of course, during these two years, I will make best efforts to complete my studies on time, without neglecting the quality of research and study I. I have an academic record and good performance, in my undergraduate degree at the University of Sultan Agung Tirtayasa. I once joined international events and conferences Australia (ANU), which gives me the skills adaptation in atmospheric multi-disciplinary and international. It also helps me to improve my ability to use foreign languages and smooth communication. also joined some of the activities of organizations that improve my leadership skills, such as; manage work, adaptability, decision making, and initiate actions. n my organization, I was responsible for providing information to student scholarships. From that, I learned how to develop and coach others. And from my work experience, I got a chance to improve my writing skills and involve the community through online and print media, where I was responsible for communications and content management. esides, I was always interested in something 'new' as history types biodiversity there. So that's why, during my studies in saudi arabia, I plan to improve my skills in Arabic. Instead, I would be very pleased to introduce and discuss about my home country, including with other students at KAUST Indonesia has abundant biodiversity spread across thousands of islands.
            In my opinion, to understand the potential of biodiversity, we can manage and utilize sustainable biodiversity. I believe by sharing and discussing, this can help us to broaden our perspectives and knowledge. The more experience we will have, the more knowledge we will get. By gaining more knowledge, we can improve our opportunities to develop the potential of natural resources. With the explanation above them, I believe that I was a sustainable candidate for the scholarship program KAUST. I look forward to the committee in order to help for the reception and consideration of my application. I'm very excited and very motivated to be part of the scholarship KAUST, Saudi Arabia


Muhamad Nikmatullah


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